I have a strong background in React, TypeScript, and Node.js and a deep interest in web design and user experience. I am product-oriented with a strong focus on the field's best practices and a passion for software testing. I have been working in the Trading and Financial sector in the past 5 years where I have worked on internal, front-office and market facing tools. I have led and been part of teams as well delivered projects as a solo developer.


JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js


React, Next.js, Angular, Electron

Hooks, Redux, Zustand, RxJS

AG Grid, D3, ArcGIS


Express, Koa, GraphQL

Knex, TypeORM, Prisma

DynamoDB, SQLite, OpenSearch

AWS SDK, Lambda, S3


CSS, SASS, TailwindCSS

CSS Modules, styled-components

Chakra UI



React Testing Library

Jest, Jasmine

Playwright, Cypress

Build tools

esbuild, webpack

TurboRepo, Nx

GitHub Actions, TeamCity, Jenkins




Ansible, Terraform

Frontend Engineer - contract

Rokos Capital Management

Hedge Fund

Jun 2024 - now

Angular, AG Grid - TypeScript

Development of the company's Order Management System.

  • Multiple enhancements to the existing application
  • Implementation of UX design directives and recommendations
  • Development of new modules as per business requirements

Frontend Engineer - contract


Energy Trading

Mar 2024 - May 2024 - 3m

React, Zustand, Chakra UI - ArcGIS - TypeScript

I was brought in to rewrite their existing GIS web application using modern web technologies.

  • Greenfield project rewriting an existing jQuery application
  • Deep integration with ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript
  • Delivered the complete project in 3 months

Frontend engineer - contract



Mar 2023 - Feb 2024 - 1y

React, AG Grid, Recoil, RxJS - Jest, RTL - TypeScript

I was part of the frontend development team building the internal Commodities Risk Assessment tool.

  • Front-office role with direct interaction with traders and risk managers
  • Heavy use of AG Grid, including custom cell renderers and editors
  • Developed a greenfield project to replace a legacy WPF project.

Frontend engineer - contract

BNP Paribas

FX Trading

Sep 2022 - Feb 2023 - 6mos

AngularJS, RxJS - Jasmine - TypeScript

I was part of the frontend development team maintaining their market leading FX trading platform.

  • Maintained a very large codebase as part of a large team
  • Handled support emails, QA defects and backlog tickets

Frontend engineer - contract

Credit Suisse

FX Trading

Mar 2021 - Aug 2022 - 1yr 6mos

React, Redux - Jest, RTL, Cypress - TypeScript

I was part of a greenfield project to develop a FX trading platform using web technologies, replacing their existing trading desktop application.

  • Lead the frontend development of the project
  • Introduced TypeScript, Redux Toolkit and React Testing Library
  • Stabilized and broaden the scope of E2E testing with Cypress

Frontend engineer - contract



Mar 2020 - Feb 2021 - 1 yr

React, D3 - GraphQL - Jest, RTL, Cypress - TypeScript

I was involved in a project to develop an ad trading platform for their Nectar brand. Brought in as a frontend developer, I ended up leading all frontend development and playing a major role in the overall project.

  • Helped plan product development and timelines
  • Mentored junior developers
  • Defined E2E testing strategy: critical paths, browser automation, coverage targets, visual regression testing, browser compatibility

Frontend engineer - contract



Jun 2019 - Dec 2019 - 7 mos

React, Redux - Jest, Enzyme, WebDriverIO - TypeScript

I was involved in a task force to migrate their analytics stack to Google Analytics before their existing contract with Adobe ran out. A team the year before us had failed to meet the deadline, but our team was successful.

  • Delivered project on hard deadline of 6 months
  • Informally lead the project's development across all web platforms and devices
  • Developed techniques to dig out the data pipelines from inside the massive codebase.

Full stack engineer - contract

The Sun


Jun 2017 - Dec 2017 - 7 mos

React - Hapi, Node.js

I worked at the tail end of their migration from WordPress to a bespoke SSR solution.

  • Audited and outlined a frontend performance optimization plan
  • Involved in engagement optimization stories

Frontend engineer


Bitcoin analytics

Jun 2016 - Jun 2017 - 1yr 1mo

React, Redux, D3 - REST - Jest, Enzyme

I was one of their first hires and oversaw the frontend development of the first versions of both their client facing softwares: Forensics and KYC. My implementation of their design agency's UI/UX merited many compliments from directors and stakeholders.

  • Migrated the frontend codebase from CoffeeScript/Angular to ES6/React/Redux
  • Hired, mentored and lead a team of two other frontend engineers
  • Implemented complex interactive data visualizations